Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doctor NOOOOO!!

Peyton loves to go to the Dentist but the doctor, not so much. We got there and it all started the crying and yelling and wanting to go home, We were there for his kindergarten check, so he calmed down and tryed to be good so he could get his treat. So he got waighed he was 36 pounds, and 42 inches, tall. He had his eyes checked and he can see grate, he had his finger pocked witch he did not like, and then they came in with the shot tray, and here it started again the crying, kicking and yelling he wanted to get out of here. Well I don't blame him it was horable, he had to have 4 shots so we started to hold him and he would'nt have it, so we layed him down and they did it in his legs the poor kid was telling them it hurt and they could do it in his arms but they were done. He could'nt even walk the next day, but he told me he Loved me even if I let them hurt him. Oh I love that little boy.


  1. Well, I know that Peyton getting shots was just as hard for him as it is for you. I'm amazed you didn't send your dad to do this! Lots of LOVE!

    Dang, I can't believe he will be in Kindergarton. Why does it have to go so fast? Cute picts :)

  2. Kindergarten Already!! wow that went fast he's getting so big!!
